Man Accused of Attempting to Kidnap Two Young Girls in Broad Daylight Makes Court Appearance in Macomb County
Alleged Kidnappings Happened in Clinton Township and Sterling Heights
In a shocking turn of events, Endi Bala, a 23-year-old resident of Shelby Township, has been accused of attempting to kidnap two young girls in broad daylight. Today, he made two separate appearances in Macomb County courts to stand trial for his alleged crimes.
First Incident in Clinton Township
The first incident reportedly occurred on Tuesday, around 1:30 p.m. in the vicinity of Hayes and Clinton River roads, Clinton Township. According to reports, Bala made an attempt to kidnap a teen girl of 15, by forcefully grabbing her around the head or neck area and then trying to push her into the rear driver’s side of his white car.
The bold intervention of a nearby Clinton Township resident allowed the girl to escape and raise the alarm. Bala reportedly fled the scene immediately.
Second Incident in Sterling Heights
Around an hour later, Bala seemingly targeted a second victim, a 7-year-old girl, who was at Clinton River Park North in Sterling Heights with her aunt and cousin. As recounted by authorities, surveillance footage shows Bala exiting his white car, approaching the young girl, lifting her off her bike, and making a run for the car.
The swift actions of the girl’s aunt, who put up a fight with Bala as he tried to drive away, potentially saved the young girl from an unthinkable fate. Scott Van-Luven, a nearby park visitor, used his own vehicle to block Bala’s path, effectively halting any chances of escape until police officers arrived at the scene.
In response to these events, Macomb County Prosecutor Peter Lucido praised the quick actions of the good Samaritans and expressed his intent to ensure justice is served.
The Court Arraignments
In the first arraignment at 41B Clinton Township District Court, Bala faced charges for attempted unlawful imprisonment, a five-year felony, and assault and battery, a 93-day misdemeanor. His bond was set at $2 million with strict conditions for release including forfeiture of his passport and a mandatory mental health evaluation.
In the second arraignment at 41A Sterling Heights District Court, Bala was charged with kidnapping, assault and battery, and reckless driving. The most serious charge carries a possible life sentence. Despite a request by the defense for a $50,000 bond, Magistrate Michael Piatek ordered Bala to be held without bond due to the severity of the case.
Further proceedings are set to occur towards the end of August and early September. The brave efforts of those involved have brought a potential perpetrator of serious crime to justice while simultaneously saving the lives of two innocent young girls.