A horrific sequence of events unfolded this past week causing havoc and despair for a family in Livonia, Michigan. Two beloved grandparents, Scott and Marylou Levitan, who were known for their involvement in the community, tragically lost their lives separately within the span of just two days.
The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office has released information regarding the heartbreaking events that transpired. According to the Sheriff’s Office, Marylou Levitan, 66, was involved in a car crash on December 27, while she was stationed in the backseat of her vehicle, a Jeep. The unfortunate accident occurred while she was on her way to retrieve her husband’s car, following his fall through the ice on Lake George in Addison Township while he was fishing with their grandson.
Her husband, Scott Levitan, 66, had fallen through the ice a day earlier. He was promptly taken to the hospital, but, despite the best efforts of medical professionals, had succumbed to his injuries and passed away on New Year’s Eve.
Oakland County Sheriff, Michael Bouchard, in a public address stated, “This is an unspeakable tragedy that has befallen this family in a very short time. It is difficult to fathom that two tragic, unrelated incidents could happen within such proximity to each other. Our prayers and thoughts are with the Levitan family during this trying period.”
Reports indicate that a neighbor and rescue teams sprang into action when Scott and his 15-year-old grandson fell through the ice. Thankfully, the young man was promptly treated and released from the hospital. The community shared the distress and sorrow of the family while heaping praises on this quick-thinking rescue team.
The couple’s daughter and their nephew shared some cherished memories of Marylou. They described her as someone who “lived life to the fullest“. She was known for her love for the local sports teams; she was a die-hard fan of Red Wings and Lions and held season tickets for the Tigers.
Jamie Izzo, a longtime friend of Scott described him as “one of the best human beings I’ve ever met in my life. He was a valuable friend.”
This tragic incident stands as a testament to the strength and resilience of the community. While there is collective mourning for the loss of two cherished members, the immediate response and support provided by the community in trying to save the lives of the grandfather and grandson, in this case, have been commendable. Such actions affirm the strength of community bonds and forever honor the memory of Scott and Marylou Levitan.
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