In a bizarre turn of events that sounds like the plot of a quirky crime film, Wayne County found itself in the spotlight recently as a man, donning an unusual combination of masks, embarked on a spree of robberies across the area. The suspect, who made headlines for his choice of disguises, was arrested after allegedly robbing three businesses in just a matter of hours on the morning of October 27, 2024.
It all started in the early hours of the morning, just before the clock struck 1 a.m., when the suspect, wearing a partial skeleton mask, walked into a local shop called Intimate Ideas in Westland. Armed with a gun, he demanded that the clerk hand over the cash from the register. Not wanting to spend too much time waiting around, the robber took matters into his own hands, opening the cash register himself and making off with approximately $422 before disappearing into the night.
But our mask-wearing bandit wasn’t done yet. Just a few hours later, right before the breakfast rush, he struck again—this time at a familiar fast-food spot, McDonald’s. Dressed in a clown mask and a green jacket, he barged into the restaurant around 6:30 a.m., gun in hand, demanding money from the register. However, the employees were unable to comply as the register was closed, and after a frustrating attempt to open it himself, he decided to leave empty-handed.
Not to be thwarted by a little inconvenience, the suspect quickly turned his attention to the nearby Shell gas station in Garden City. Just a short time later, he entered the store with determination, pointed his gun at the clerk, and barked the chilling words, “You got 30 seconds before I start shooting.” The threat did the trick, and the clerk handed over about $1,070 in cash. The robber mockingly thanked the clerk as he left, seemingly proud of his Halloween-themed crime spree.
As luck would have it, Garden City police officers were patrolling the area near the gas station when they spotted a man in a green jacket sitting inside a parked car. The appearance was enough to pique their interest, especially since it matched the description of the suspect seen in the surveillance footage. After approaching the vehicle, they discovered that the individual, later identified as Brendan Bonner, was not wearing a mask at the time but had been recognized from earlier accounts.
During the search of Bonner’s vehicle, police uncovered a stash of items that hinted at his alleged activities, including cash wrapped in a rubber band. A visit to Bonner’s local apartment led to the discovery of a partial skeleton mask, clothing that matched what he wore during the robbery at Intimate Ideas, and even more cash. What’s more, a roommate in his apartment claimed that Bonner had previously revealed plans to go out and commit robbery, adding to the mounting evidence against him.
As police conducted their interviews, Bonner ultimately confessed to the series of robberies. With clear evidence and the man’s own words sealing his fate, officers took him into custody. It seems that this Halloween season isn’t just about scary masks and spooky tales, but also some real-life events that could make even the wildest stories pale in comparison.
Residents in Wayne County are left shaking their heads at the audacity of this masked bandit, who took a playful theme and turned it into a frightening reality. While the community recovers from the shock of the robberies, it’s a reminder that not every masked figure out there shares the same spirit of fun and celebration.
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